J for JuJube

A Balanced Diet, JuJube, Oil on wooden panel, 20 x 15cm

JuJubes are also known as a red date, and in their dried form are very similar, although with a lighter, more delicate, flavour. They have a crisp texture when raw, like a firm apple, with a similar flavour. Jujubes have a largish central seed and a gorgeous burnished copper skin when ripe.

You could swap in dried Jujubes in recipies using dates, a great base for a healthy snack ball. Swap fresh JuJubes for apples if you have access to enough.

I roasted diced fresh jujubes with pumpkin sprinkled with cumin and hot paprika and included mixed them into wild rice, added pistachios and chopped mint and served with roast turkey or pork.

Best place to find them? The farmer’s market at Wayville Show Grounds on a Sunday morning. (No disclaimer required!)